A little to look back!

Transformative, Transdisciplinary, Transferable and Transcending, City Voices/Letters of Trans(T*). DisCity,  serves as a conduit for what is becoming the “new” history of the city, place, or an environment – providing safer spaces with celebration, reflection and inclusivity on to the city’s (or spaces) social, economic and political developments. It involves residents’ voices to be received, and heard.. how we categorize and desire certain aspects of ourselves and especially that of the city…

City Voices is built on the 2017 social-street project “A New Day! Write what you feel and post it!”, where 2 performers go around the streets of Linz like “moving as bodies of emotions and thoughts”, where the passersby write and post their thoughts on the body of the performers. The performers give out “gifts” in the form of a post-it to bring a smile to the faces of the people.